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Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Reflection Task (4th meeting)

Fourth meeting, March 4th 2013. At the beginning of the term students are asked to write questions on their minds. Mr Marsigit read one by one and then he explained answers in accordance with his character. Mr Marsigit argument-arguments presented from the point of view of him.
            Many people (including mathematics educators) who think that mathematics is only one. But according to Mr. Marsigit mathematics not just one. The number of mathematics together with people who think the math. Everyone can say and think mathematics according to their perception of mathematics, different perceptions of different course. Mathematics not only one, but many.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Reflection by Online 2

Title: Mathematics and Language
Author: Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
I say:
Yeah, mathematics and language have a relationship. Language makes what is contained within mathematics itself can be transferred to others. Without the language of what is in the math can not be poured so that can only be understood by yourself. As a teacher it must be able to transfer the math, that is with language.

Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Reflection Task (3rd meeting)

Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Third meeting, February 25th 2013. One of the problems of teaching mathematics is the traditional teaching methods. Many teachers use the traditional methods of teaching and learning mathematics. In this method, the teacher just merely impart knowledge to students. The students just listen and write what the teacher was saying.
            Characteristic behaviors of students and teachers in the traditional method, among others, the students learned passive, the teacher is very dominating, teachers transfer knowledge to students, students are not able to develop their ideas and their thoughts, etc..Methods such learning makes students become boring, sleepy, so it becomes passive.

Reflection by Online 1

Title: Problem Utama Inovasi Pembelajaran (Matematka) pada PLPG dan Sertifikasi Guru
Author: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
I say:
I think the task of PLPG and PPG in here is to make educators more innovative. So the difficulty educators have to be solved in the presence of such programs PLPG and PPG. Mentors who guided in the training should provide a paradigm that is considered true to the training participants. Training should also be conducted periodically to measure educators are starting off can be directly addressed, not getting off the mark.

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Reflection Task (1st and 2nd meeting)

Mr. Marsigit

February 11, 2013, the first  lesson of English course math education UNY 2012 class. The man who thaught  was Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
            At the first meeting we were asked to get to know and understand. He knows us, we know him. From the first impression I saw Mr. Marsigit is an outstanding teacher. In the learning method which he applied, the student is considered as a subject in search of  knowledge, unlike other  teachers  that consider students as the object of a study.
            Teachers only be a facilitator in the development of the learning of his students. Students themselves who will determine how she developed the talent they already have. During the teacher, we were not given