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Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Reflection Task (1st and 2nd meeting)

Mr. Marsigit

February 11, 2013, the first  lesson of English course math education UNY 2012 class. The man who thaught  was Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
            At the first meeting we were asked to get to know and understand. He knows us, we know him. From the first impression I saw Mr. Marsigit is an outstanding teacher. In the learning method which he applied, the student is considered as a subject in search of  knowledge, unlike other  teachers  that consider students as the object of a study.
            Teachers only be a facilitator in the development of the learning of his students. Students themselves who will determine how she developed the talent they already have. During the teacher, we were not given
the complete knowledge or material, but we have to look for itself. The key points are needed in life and seek knowledge to be possessed by the students is the will, attitude, knowledge, skills, and experience. Five points are demonstrated and guided us to explore and achieve success.
     The method used by him is a quiz at each meeting, a reflection of the lectures that have been implemented, as well as online through the college website http://powermathematics.blogspot.com

            The second meeting, February 18, 2013. Quiz first implemented. As a result, none from the 47 students who graduated according to Mr Marsigit expectations. It means the our basic knowledge is still lacking and needs to be improved. With the results of the quiz, we become aware of where we've been. So as to achieve the goals we've set we will be able to measure how fast we had to run after it.
            Mr. Marsigit remind us and make us understand that in English class, we need to ensure our position. He thinks that we are adults, so our communication with him must be based on trust. We must believe in talent we have and believe he can help us in our efforts to achieve our goals. In this study there must be trust and positive thinking, so science is taught can be useful. We determine our own path in developing, make someone else as a stimulus for us to reach our goals.
            Language is the life, language is a living thing. Something that lives in every human being, just how human language that fosters life in him is. To foster language support capabilities of a person, things to do such as reading, writing, listening, recording, speak, answer questions, reflect the light of our own, and others. Reminded that language is a living thing. That is the key to learning English.
            Language has several components that make it up. The first is about form, language is something that is shaped, not something abstract. While the form of the language also has substance. The substance of the English language in this case is about mathematics education. Language also has a content, what was said in it. Without content, something no nothing, merely nonsense. That is what I get from the first and second lesson with Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Pend. Matematika Sub 2012

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