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Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Reflection Task (3rd meeting)

Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Third meeting, February 25th 2013. One of the problems of teaching mathematics is the traditional teaching methods. Many teachers use the traditional methods of teaching and learning mathematics. In this method, the teacher just merely impart knowledge to students. The students just listen and write what the teacher was saying.
            Characteristic behaviors of students and teachers in the traditional method, among others, the students learned passive, the teacher is very dominating, teachers transfer knowledge to students, students are not able to develop their ideas and their thoughts, etc..Methods such learning makes students become boring, sleepy, so it becomes passive.
Faced with such circumstances, our English teacher, Prof.. Dr. Marsigit, M.A., try to use other methods. He frees students to express themselves, to be what they want, develop the skills that have been available to him. He completed his studies with reflection. Students can develop their skills by performing a reflection of the text or explanation from Mr. Marsigit and learn every day.
            What should we, as students, do? The students have started to open his mind. Opening his mind to something new. Towards a new dimension, innovative dimension lectures. The students must find their own knowledge. Thus, teachers must believe that students have the ability to develop their potential, because students can gain knowledge of things not only from the teacher alone. There are various sources of knowledge that can be gained by the students. Starting from the family, the environment, and the media (including TV, internet, etc.).
            The students described as the seed of a tree that can grow and thrive. In fact, it is not easy to implement this innovative method, because our culture reflects the traditional method. Thus, teachers should use a variety of methods to accommodate classroom circumstances.
            Various methods are considered appropriate to control the class is expected to be more effective and efficient than traditional methods, because each student is unique so it has characteristics that can not be predicted.
            Stimulus-Response psychology in the traditional method is not in accordance with the class of students was unexpected. As exemplified in Europe, they consider methods are not suitable for them so the method was removed.
The nature of all aspects of the teaching and learning of mathematics are:
1. The nature of the learning process,
2. The nature of mathematics and mathematical school,
3. The nature of teaching and learning resources,
4. Nature of the goals of mathematics education,
5. The nature of students' learning of mathematics.
            Teachers must understand the nature of all aspects of teaching and learning of mathematics and apply it, to be able to do the teaching and learning of mathematics more innovative and excelent.

School Mathematics
(Ebbutt, S. and Straker, A., 1995)
·         Mathematics is a search for pattern and relations
·         Mathematics is problem solving activity
·         Mathematics is a investigation activity
Mathematics is the means of communications

Iceberg of Mathematics

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