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Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Reflection Task (4th meeting)

Fourth meeting, March 4th 2013. At the beginning of the term students are asked to write questions on their minds. Mr Marsigit read one by one and then he explained answers in accordance with his character. Mr Marsigit argument-arguments presented from the point of view of him.
            Many people (including mathematics educators) who think that mathematics is only one. But according to Mr. Marsigit mathematics not just one. The number of mathematics together with people who think the math. Everyone can say and think mathematics according to their perception of mathematics, different perceptions of different course. Mathematics not only one, but many.
Clarified, there are two categories of mathematics education; mathematical formal (axiomatic mathematics and pure mathematics) and school mathematics. Formal mathematics is used when we study mathematics at university level. While school mathematics is used for children who are studying mathematics at the school level. However, many teachers and mathematics education authorities did not know about it. They think that mathematics is only one, so in their teaching methods are less precise. And what happens is the students who are learning mathematics is like being in the valley, while the teacher was in the mountains. So that difficult for students to obtain things given by the teacher. The teachers should be more concerned with the students who find it so difficult to learn mathematics.
            Many students find it so difficult to accommodate with their school mathematics. However, the math must accommodate students' abilities. Teachers also need to choose and use appropriate methods when teaching and learning mathematics with students' abilities. People who are intelligent people who can adapt to the situation and the conditions he was facing. One key is to learning manners. Manners that characterize the eastern us. Stupid method is to teach students or children with formal mathematics in school. Formal mathematics and pure mathematics too difficult and not appropriate for children. The method should change. For children math is activity. Math activities for children is a problem-solving activity, investigation activities, and communication. Mathematics should be a lesson to make children happy. So that the children will be learning math can be explored their skill.
            In the teaching of mathematics in schools, we must use a variety of methods and activities. We must develop the method. The recommended method is the method. The method should also be supported with adequate ... to develop the quality of teaching and learning mathematics. The best way to learn math is to translate and be translated, as well as to be know and be knowed.

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